Of all the cities of eastern Oerik none stand out like the City of Greyhawk. Known far and wide for its architectural marvels, exotic visitors, infamous residents and opportunities for sightseeing and adventure,the city can also boast of clean streets and a fairly low violent crime rate. Although it was relatively untouched by the Greyhawk Wars, the city nonetheless has felt its share of burdens following the marches of so many armies. Refugees are the primary concern and difficulty for the city. New construction is everywhere, and more refugees have set up camp outside the city walls. Trade was disrupted somewhat, with temporary shortages of goods from time to time in the cities markets. Crime threatened to spin out of control, but thanks to additional watchmen hired by the Chief Constable and some help from the Guild of Wizardry, the University of Magical Arts and the various temples, Greyhawk’s violent crime rate remains stable.     

click to see larger map

The Free City, like most large cities, is an excellent place to "disappear" for as long as several months. The city has numerous resources for aid, food and shelter, and the believed swelled population reduces any chance of being noticed. An individual who keeps a low profile (and perhaps uses disguises judiciously) might be able to hide here for as long as several years.

For those adventurers who have never visited the famed City of Greyhawk and for those who have been away for a while, following is a quick tour of the city as it stands in 591 CY.

The City of Greyhawk is a roughly oval‑shaped, walled city on the banks of the River. To the north lie the Cairn Hills and the Midbay of the Nyr Dyv. To the south is the Plain of Greyhawk; on the west bank of the Selintan to the south of the city is the Gnarley Forest; due east is the Mistmarsh. The Selintan eventually empties into Woolly Bay. The city itself is mostly surrounded by farmland with some lightly wooded areas the north. The climate is moderate, with long, warm summers, a rainy spring and fall, and a chilly but rarely subzero winter that usually results in a few inches of snow. A few features lie outside the city walls. The river docks, outside the center of the western wall, allow cargo and passengers to arrive and disembark. Shack Town, a slum outside the walls on the northern edge of the city, has stood for as long as anyone can remember, but it has more than doubled in size in the past few years thanks to incoming refugees. These (supposedly) temporary quarters housing the poor and indigent have spilled over onto the opposite bank of the Selintan, with the Rhennee bargefolk appreciating the opportunity for new business. A community of Rhennee barges still dock just outside the city's northern wall. Just outside the southeastern wall stands the manor of Lord Wainright. Several generations of the family have farmed these lands and built wagons here for sale and trade. The family has had several prosperous years, but its personal worth has not increased, since they have assisted refugees and the City of Greyhawk with picking up the pieces after the war.

South of the Wainright manor and closer to the city wall stands the ancient StoneRing. Indisputably built by druids centuries ago, no one knows the purpose of these standing stones. Other circles are scattered across the continent, but this is thought to be the oldest of the lot. Druids often stop to offer a prayer when passing the circle. Seven gates offer access to the city. Most are closed during night-time hours, but all require visitors to sign the city registers upon entering.

Greyhawk is split into three primary sections by two gated walls running west to east. The northern section is home to the High Quarter and the Garden Quarter, where most of the wealthy make their homes. Also in this area are the Temples of St. Cuthbert, Pelor and Zilchus, a gambling house, the opera house, the mayor's mansion, the Wizards' Guildhall, the High Market (or Grand Bazaar) and the Grand Citadel, home of Greyhawk's law enforcement. The central section of the city is home to the River Quarter, a somewhat seedy section of town with inns, taverns and warehouses; Clerkburg, home to the City Mint, Grey College and other institutions of learning; the Artisans' Quarter, a peaceful neighborhood of craftspeople and their families and a number of guildhalls; and the Foreign Quarter. In the past, this latter quarter was designed for noncitizens who wished to live in the city. After seven consecutive years of residence, these folk could apply for citizenship in the city and then purchase property in Greyhawk. Because of the flood of refugees in recent years, these rules have been relaxed. The Directing Oligarchy - a panel of twelve to sixteen members currently led by Lord Mayor Nerof Gasgal - plans to enforce the zoning codes again as soon as possible.               

The southern portion of Greyhawk, known as Old City (the northern two-thirds being New City), includes some of the poorer and rowdier neighborhoods. Divided roughly into the Slum Quarter and the Thieves' Quarter, this section is home to many of the more colorful citizens of the city, but most folk would rather not raise a family here. A large section of the central Old City known as the Great Burn (destroyed by fire many years ago) has been completely cleared and rebuilt in the past five years. Much of the available ground in Old City has been built on, though there is no construction on a narrow strip of land along the inside of the city walls (as per city ordinance, no building may touch the wall, to prevent unfriendly factions from drilling into the stonework and breaching the wall). Anyone looking for adventure (or trouble) is sure to find it here.           

The cities main thoroughfare is known as the Processional. Beginning at the southernmost gate, the Highway Gate, the Processional passes through Old City; Black Gate, the River and Artisans' Quarters, the Low Market (or Petit Bazaar), the Foreign Quarter and Clerkburg, the Garden Gate, and finally the High and Garden Quarters to terminate at the Grand Citadel. Inarguably the best way to see the city; the Processional is always busy with traffic but well maintained, even in bad weather.    

City Sites

The G rand Citadel (High Quarter): Within the walls of this large stronghold on the cities northeast side are the administrative headquarters for the City Watch and Greyhawk Militia, the great prison of Greyhawk, a weapons arsenal, and the City Vault, in which incredible wealth is rumoured to be stored under heavy guard. Access to the Citadel is greatly restricted; the main gates are opened only at fixed times of the day except in grave emergencies, and authorization is required to enter. The Citadel has not had to serve defensively for centuries, but no one doubts it would be highly effective against even aerial or magical assault.

The Guild of Wizardry (High Quarter): In a city filled with powerful mages, the guild that supports and regulates them has immense power. Adventurers wishing to speak with members of the Circle of Eight or other wizards are well-advised to check at the Guild for available information about their whereabouts. It can also be tactful for magic-using characters to check in here on first arriving in the city.

The Lord Mayor's Palace (High Quarter): While not palatial, the Lord Mayor's Palace is one of the finest residences in the City - as well as serving as administrative headquarters for civic doings. The Lord Mayor's offices and meeting rooms are here. If a character wishes to bring some event or plot to the attention of the city administration, he might very well come here.

The Temple of St. Cuthbert (Garden Quarter): Like many temples, this one will make efforts to aid pilgrims and wanderers (except those of an outwardly evil appearance, of course). The temple will also aid those who arrive with information about evil activities. Player characters should first seek aid at the temples of their own deities before trying an unfamiliar temple; they should also remember to drop a few coins in the poor box as a sign of good faith and appreciation.

The University of Magical Arts (Clerkburg): One of the most architecturally striking buildings in the City of Greyhawk is the University of Magical Arts, a dramatic three­ sided pyramid with no apparent entrances. Inside, the pyramid contains working space for hundreds of students of wizardry and their instructors. At any time, a number of students are off adventuring, since the school encourages people to gain experience in this way.

The Guildhalls: If a visitor were to ask a merchant about something that stands out about the City of Greyhawk, he would undoubtedly answer, "the guilds!' Greyhawk rivals every city in the Flanaess for the number and effectiveness of its guilds. Whether adventurers are newcomers looking for work or leads, skilled craftsmen themselves, or employers looking for a job to be performed, the respective guild should provide more than sufficient information. A cautionary note: None of the guilds' services are free, and players should be prepared to make donations of money, goods or raw materials to the guild treasuries.    

The following is a complete list of the City of Greyhawk's guilds and unions as of 591 CY, with notes:

  • Guild of Apothecaries and Herbalists

  • Guild of Architects and Stonemasons

  • Guild of Assassins*

  • Guild of Bakers, Cooks and Millers****

  • Guild of Barbers and Dentists

  • Union of Beggars

  • United Guild of Blacksmiths, Armorers, Shieldmakers and Ironworkers***

  • Guild of Butchers

  • Guild of Carpenters, Furniture makers and Barrel makers****         

  • Guild of Cartographers      

  • Guild of Clothworkers***

  • Union of Couriers and Messengers**    

  • Union of Dockers and Wharfmen     

  • Alliance of Drovers, Teamsters and Overland Freighters**        

  • Guild of Embalmers and Gravediggers       

  • Guild of Gladiators, Wrestlers and Professional Combatants**     

  • Guild of Goldsmiths and Silversmiths***

  • Guild of jewelers and Genicutters

  • Union of Laborers               

  • Guild of Lamplighters

  • Guild of Lawyers, Scribes and Accountants****             

  • Guild of Leatherworkers and Tanners***

  • Guild of Locksmiths**      

  • Union of Lumbermen and Woodcutters**   

  • Guild of Mercenaries         

  • Union of Merchants and Traders 

  • Allied Brotherhood of Miners and Quarriers**          

  • Guild of Mintworkers        

  • Union of Moneychangers and Pawnbrokers

  • Guild of Nightwatchmen   

  • Guild of Ostlers and Brewers         

  • Guild of Performing Artistes 

  • Association of Rafters, Freighters and Bargemen of the Selintan**            

  • Union of Sages and Academics    

  • Union of Sewermen and Streetcleaners      

  • Federation of Smiths of Pragmatic Metals and Alloys           

  • Guild of Thieves*               

  • Guild of Translators           

  • Guild of Weaponsmiths***             

  • Guild of Wizards 

*: This is a "legal" but criminal organization; its existence is not officially acknowledged but is commonly known throughout the city.       

**: This is a new group created after the Greyhawk Wars, when many previously unorganized workers formed guilds to gain better wages and working conditions.           

***: This group was created from the fragmenting of a larger guild after the Greyhawk Wars. In particular, the postwar collapse of the "Downwind Guild" of leatherworkers, tanners, smiths, stablers, weavers and tailors is responsible for many new groups. 

****: This group underwent internal reorganization after the Greyhawk Wars, adding new members and occupations to its roster.    

The Whistling Fish (River Quarter): This inn in Greyhawks River Quarter is operated by a half-hill giant named Gruenab. The building is constructed on a scale to suit its owner, so the ceilings, staircases and bar are exceptionally high. The place is nonetheless cozy, and Gruenab has built up a well-mannered clientele over the years. The Whistling has Fish consists of a large pub/dining room, kitchen, storerooms, several guest rooms upstairs and a stable. Gruenab has his own cottage attached to the rear of the tavern.

The Undercity: Unlikely as it seems, one of the features that earned the Gem of the Flanaess its title is the cities sewer system. Beneath Greyhawk is an intricate network of tunnels and passageways used to carry rainwater, snowmelt and sewage, and ultimately keep the city clean. They are maintained by the Sewermen’s and Streetcleaners' Union. Rumors abound concerning illegal activities, zombie squads that clean the sewers, passageways offering quick getaways for thieves, and disgusting  sewer‑dwelling monsters such as otyughs.

Notables in Greyhawk

Nerof Gasgal

As Lord-Mayor of die City of Greyhawk, Gasgal holds an enviable position. His office  is one of considerable power, but since  City of Greyhawk survived the Wars and subsequent years of turmoil relatively unscathed, Gasgal is free of  the burdens that plague most monarchs. Trade is brisk within the city and insures food and supplies; the streets are (comparatively) safe; and Gasgal has his tax base, though he is cautious about taxation at present, not wishing to anger an uprooted and uneasy populace. Gasgal has held his office for over a  decade. Solidly middle-aged, his diplomacy skills  are excellent. The mayor is well connected  in the city, and is known to have warm relationships  with the masters of both the Thieves'  and  Assassins' Guilds. Perhaps because of  humble roots, Gasgal is accessible to  all of his people – an appointment with him can usually be arranged within 4 to 24 hours. He is particularly interested in news of  threats to his city, and will pay handsomely for  leads to such inforniation.

Derider Fanshen

The constable of the City of Greyhawk has had her workload multiplied in the last  years with the influx of refugees from the Greyhawk Wars and the recent increase in evil cults within the city. Fanshens background as a priest, however, taught her patience and perseverance, and she has managed to expand the City Watch and bring order in what might otherwise be chaos. Fanshen has a talent for healing, which originally led her to become a priest of Pelor. After many years of adventuring, she accepted the post of constable. Although the constable is kind, she is shrewd as well and an excellent judge of character. She gets angry only with good reason. Because she was once an adventurer, she has a soft spot for others of the profession and will help them in legitimate efforts any way she can.


When this diminutive hill giant first moved to the city, he was the object of stares and fearful glances. Now, those who know him hardly think twice about his unusual size, and his tavern in the River Quarter, the Whistling Fish, is a popular gathering place for adventurers. As a former adventurer, Gruenab has a soft spot for those who follow the adventuring fife. He'll help polite wanderers in any way he can, even concealing them from the City Watch. From time to time, Gruenab has locked up shop and gone adventuring himself if the mission seemed interesting or profitable enough. He is also an excellent informant, with a reputation for keeping  the confidences of those who ask it.

Kieren Jalucian  

This wizard is Master of the Guild of Wizardry and Principal of the Greyhawk University of Magic Arts. While these positions are largely administrative and ceremonial, they nonetheless keep Kieren busy and help his mind to stay sharp. Kieren can remember nearly every pupil to pass through the magic university for the past two decades. He knows a wide assortment of other mages as well. Although he seems to be in his late thirties, those who know him well suspect that he is much older than he appears (perhaps more than ninety). Kieren is unquestionably in love with Jallarzi Sallavarian.                                                       

Ricard Damaris  

Darnaris operates the Green Dragon Inn in the River Quarter, a favorite haunt of adventurers and those seeking them. Nearly any passerby in the neighborhood can tell adventurers that Ricard is the man to see for information. He has informants throughout the city and the drunkards who visit his establishment often spill their guts to him. Ricard has a strange sword that can generate effects normally created only by wizards. His wife, Florence, takes care of the bookkeeping for the operation. Ricard’s daughter, Clarissa, is the apple of his eye, but she is a spoiled, wild teenager.

Talasek Thraydin

If a character is unemployed, broke or otherwise down on her luck. Talesk Thraydin is the man to find. This paladin of St. Cuthbert has dedicated his life to helping the unfortunate. He has a network of friends and acquaintances all over the city, who provide food, lodging, work ‑ and information. The paladins past efforts have accomplished everything from obtaining cows to provide milk for the orphanage to helping crush a cult of Iuz operating in the city. He can be found by inquiring at the Temple of St. Cuthbert in the Garden Quarter.                                              

Wasim Qharallah’s Golden Scimitar

This mercenary group has traveled in nearly all parts of the Flanaess. They settled in private quarters in Greyhawk City, looking for work, but have had trouble finding employment possibly because of their Baklunish appearance. In the suspicious and prejudiced times of the past few years, no one has been willing to gamble on a group that might be spies from Ket or worse. Certain reliable rumors indicate the group is trustworthy pointing to the Suloise wizard who travels with these men as evidence. Sheroyl Kubiak, an albino Suloise from the lands of the Sea Barons, has been part of this band for ten years. Wasim Qharallah and his men would all die for her, and Sheroyl will do almost anything for her band of brothers. The Golden Scimitar now works in the Foreign Quarter as guards The group is fiercely loyal to each other, its allies and its current mission. Wasim is known to seal his bargains with a contract and a blood oath.