Human                                        20,000
Wood (Sylvan) Elves         10,000
High Elves                          3,000
Grey Elves                          (few)
Gnomes                              6,000
Hobbits                               (few)
Hobgoblins:                        5,000
Gnolls                                 3,000
Orcs                                  (many)

The Vesve Forest is the largest hardwood forest in all of the Flanaess. Its southern half, as well the strip which borders the Sepia Uplands and Clatspurs (Highvale) down to Highfolk Town are relativelyfree of baneful creatures, although inhabited by a fair share of predators.

Since the resurgence of Iuz, the north-eastern quarter of the forest is filled with hateful settlements of evil humanoids, and these tribes and bands press everywhere upon human and demihuman folk elsewhere in these woodlands. Rangers and light troops from Furyondy aid the Highfolk in organized expeditions to check the influx of humanoids and drive them out, but fresh hords frm the spawning grounds of Iuz are apparently endlessly available to replace those slaughtered. The Vesve forest is of critical importance in the future of the Flanaess. Iuz refuses to yeild claim to it.

Some 20,000 human woodmen dwell here. the Elves stand frim here, with 10,000 Wood Elves and about a third that number of High-Elves. They are supported by some 6,000 Gnomes and perhaps half that number of Hobbits.

In addition, 15-20 tribes of beastmen, perhaps a thousand in number, dwell within the Vesve. Their origins are a matter of some curiosity; this region is further north than they would usually inhabit, and their fur is darker and browner than most.

The Vesve yeilds a variety of excellent woods; plant resins used for waterproofing, incenses, preservations, insect-repelling creams and tinctures; and a variety of medicinal berries and herbs. Particularly noteworthy are the stickysecretions of fungi unique to the Vesve Which are used in magical oils.

The Heartlands

This is the name generally employed for all areas of the Vesve not over run by evil or Iuz. These areas are detailed below.

Wood Elf Lands: nearly 80% of all the Wood Elves of the Vesve live in this area which perhaps overlaps the goblinoid lands. The Wood Elves fight their own battles without asking for help. They are renowned for their elvencats which are fine sentinals, ever alert and hard to detect.

Beastmen Forest: Almost all of the 1,000 shy and gentle beastmen of the Vesve live within these lands. Certain fey creatures, such as sprites and brownies, dwell here also. Beastmen shun contact with other races save for Faerie Folk, who often pass on what they have learned from the beastmen to the Grey Elves and the rangers of the Vesve and Quaalsten. Beastmen hate humanoids and will attack them on sight unless outnumbered. They simply run from encounters with elves or humans (and prudently, from orcs and trolls).

Lands of the Tree: This is the domain of the Vesve's Grey Elves. They suffer a few woodsmen to live within the area if they are of long established human families. This is the location of the fabled Timeless Tree.

Gnome Hills: This wooded projection of the Sepia Uplands is home to 5,000 of the gnomes of the Vesve, who protect their borders very carefully. Around 5,000 human miners work here also, and Lord Kashafen of the High Elves maintains 30 or so elven wizars, fighter/wizards, and elite troops here as a gesture of goodwill.

Locations and Settlements

Flameflower: This is a community of 500 High Elves, mostly of the Shandareth Clan. Among it's lofty treehouses and wooded chalets dwells Kashafen, Lord of the High Elves. Flameflower takes its name from the unique flameflower bushes which burst into a riot of huge, orchid-like crimson flowers at the beginning of each new year. Elven legend states that the bushes sprang up when Corellon Larethian, still bleeding from wounds suffered at the hands of the orcish god Gruumsh, first set foot in the Vesve. This is a sacred place, and high preists of Corellon and other powerful elven deities are among the people here. It is impossible for anyone to approach Flameflower without the elves knowing it, and they only allow those they trust to come closer.

Quaalsten: Quaalsten was allegedly built by the fabled Quaal, of feather token fame. The village consista of wood and stone houses, surrounded by a palisade and moat. It is dominated by a Motte keep with a blue-grey stone base. Quaalsten is a meeting place for the rangers of the forest. Roughly 15 of these elite scouts can be found at any one time among the 200 woodmen who live here. The rangers of the Vesve operate in small groups throughout the forest. They move between human settlements, keeping watch. Although they are on good terms with the High and Grey Elves, they respect the integrety of the elven heartlands, and avoid moving through these areas. The rangers are not highly organized and operate in informal groups. Quaalsten is where a ranger will come to bring important news to others who follow his path. The rangers elect a Lord or Lady Marshal of the Vesve from their number. The Marshal plays a larely ceremonial role, meeting with the Mayor of Highfolk, emissaries of Furyondy and other authorities, passing on information gathered by the scouts. The Current Marshal, Rowena of the Silverbrow, is often found here. She and her followers are always eager to help anyone seeking to combat evil within the forest. Some of Quaalsten's rangers are a little long in the tooth, but they know the Vesve like an old friend. They can give accurate and relatively current information about the activity and movements of goblinoids and servants of Iuz within the forest. Quaalsten always has a small number of priests of Ehlonna in the vicinity who work wit the rangers. Some of thse ae half-elven fighter/priests of fighter/preist/mages. Ehlonnals preisthood is strongly opposed to the faith of Obad-Hai, and the few Druids of the latter faith who wander the Vesve are always kept under a close watch by Ehlonna's agents.

The Timeless Tree: The Timeless Tree is both a community and a shrine. This vast oak stands in the central part of the Vesve Forest. It measures 160 feet high and it's trunk has a curcumference of 55 feet. It's branches span a 200 foot radius. Within this tree's massive network of branches are treehouses of extraordinary elven design. Rope bridges and trailing vine ladders are everywhere, seeming almost to be part of the vast tree itself. This is the heart of the lands of the Grey Elves. Here heir seer, High Priestess Calandryen of Labelas Enoreth, holds court inside a glittering crystal chamber within the roots of the oak. This Chamber may only be reached from above, by a dimesion door effect. The oak is said to have been grown from from the same tiny group of acorns which gave rise to Oakvein in the Gnarly Forest. Calandryen can magically communicate with the Loremasters of Oakvein as she wishes. The Gey Elves seem only to passively resist the approach and advance of Iuz and the goblinoids of the Vesve. They certainly do not cooperate much with the woodmen, rangers, or even High-Elves. Their own partols are strictly watchful and defensive. If anyone were to ask Calandryen why the Grey-Elves choose this path, she would say, "Great and powerful magic is afoot which you know nothing about. Iuz has been on Oerth for bearly a century. I have been here for six, and my people have been here longer than any other race can tell. I saw Iuz born, and I will see him perish. He is bearly a small wave coming to the shoreline of history." She is a preistess of Labelas Enoreth and it is impossible to convey any urgency or haste to her.

Other Areas: The lands north of the Deepstil River are the province of the Wolf Nomads, who hunt for game and take wood from the small swathe of forest. However, they visit but rarely and in small numbers, and Iuz's forces are creeping into the area almost unopposed. Around 500 woodmen, who are mostly hunters, trappers, and fishermen, live here and resist these incursions. The remaining areas of the Vesve Forest have mixed elven and human populations. Some areas of the Vesve are elven clan heartlands, but none of them are of any size. The elvves generally tolerate humans traveling, hunting, trapping, and sometimes even living on the fringes for their clan lands. Lastly there are some bandits in the Vesve, a small number (no more than a few hundred in total) who prey on the good folk of the forest whenever they can. They are not generally in the service of Iuz, although one or two groups have been forced into the service of priests when forced with the choice of execution as an alternative. Since such bandits often have a fine knowledge of trails, settlements, spies, and woodlore, they are very useful to Iuz's interrogators.