Following material describes the standard calendar familiar to the
civilized inhabitants of the Flanaess. The calendar is very old, much of
it predating the founding of the Great Kingdom in the year 1 CY. It is
important to note that the Common Year Calendar does not have a
"zero year". Most historians of the Flanaess use other dating
systems when talking about ancient history.
month consists of 28 days, divided into four weeks of seven days each.
The month's length is based on the period of Oerth's Great Moon, Luna. A
year is divided into twelve months (called a Dozenmonth), further
divided into four groups of three months each, separated by weeklong
festivals, for a total of 364 days. The timing of the festivals is
determined by the period of the lesser moon, Celene; the fourth (middle)
day of each festival is when Celene is full. The dates of each full Luna
wander through the year as the Festival weeks throw off the
Calendar cycle, though at least they do so on a predictable basis.
the complete PDF Calendar Here 
section describes the major annual events commonly recognized in the
central Flanaess, particularly the Domain of Greyhawk, focusing on the
four festival weeks of the calendar year and certain days of importance
to the functioning of the government of the City of Greyhawk. Only the
most significant and widely celebrated religious holidays are given
here. In addition, each religion has its own set of holy days in
addition to this list, and each city and town celebrates its own secular
holidays, most of them of minor importance elsewhere.
This frigid seven-day period marks the transition from one calendar year
to another, and it is usually accounted as the start of the new year. In
many areas in the central Flanaess, the week is spent feasting,
drinking, dancing, gift-giving, putting up lights and decorations, and
in revelry. Many religions celebrate midwinter with good deeds, charity,
or observations of the sky. Various civic government functions take
place during this time, as well. The evening of Needfest Godsday is also
known as Midwinter Night. In the City of Greyhawk, the height of the
midwinter celebration is Needfest 7th (a Freeday), known as the Feast of
Fools. Madness reigns for precisely seven hours under the leadership of
The Fool, the most talented bard or jester in the city.
Moons Glory:
On Readying
Ilth, Luna is full but Celene is new. This night is called Great
Moon’s Glory. The church of Celestian regards this night as holy, with
the usual all-night outdoor vigil of the heavens outside the Grey
College Observatory. Oeridian citizens make offerings to shrines to the
lesser goddess Atroa on this night, asking the Queen of Spring to come
early. Offerings to shrines to Telchur (the Oeridian god of the north
and winter) are also made, praising his work but suggesting he go home
to the pole and sleep. Local druids and their small congregations also
hold this night sacred, but little is known of their activities. Many
farmers and herdsmen mark this night as the true beginning of spring,
though Readying 1st is the calendar date for spring's start.
Greyhawk, Growfest is not taken as a week-long
public holiday, though it is
regarded as a time of good cheer with the full arrival of spring. The
weather is usually blustery, with cool sunny days alternating with heavy
rain. Farmers, herders, longshoremen and other workers prepare for the
upcoming busy summer, and merchant activity is high. Growfest 4th,
Godsday, is St. Cuthbert's Day, the largest annual festival celebrated
by those of that faith. In the City of Greyhawk, the highlight of
Growfest for the rest of the populace comes on Freeday evening, Growfest
7th. This event is the Desportium of Magick, a contest
between illusionists who seek to cast the most magnificent display of
illusion/phantasm magic on an established theme, that of a historical
attack by monsters and humanoids on the Grand Citadel.
The hot,
breezy week of Richfest is not kept as a public holiday in Greyhawk.
Midsummer Day (Richfest 4th) is the only real celebration, when the city
takes off to celebrate the height of summer and give thanks to the
appropriate gods for any good fortune they've had. Midsummer Day is
called the Holy Day of Pelor. Pelor - master of the sun, light, and
healing - is beloved of many of Greyhawks populace, and this day sees
the largest religious festival held in the Free City in Pelor's honor.
The evening of Riclifest 4th is Midsummer Night. Both moons are full,
and at midnight Celene eclipses Luna. This is a portentous evening,
sacred to many religions, and sometimes astronomical phenomena are seen
that hint at future events, good and ill. This is the best night of all
for druids to collect mistletoe, but it is also the night on which the
greatest number of werewolves are out, as the combined effect of the two
moons makes it nearly impossible for lycanthropes to avoid
moons of Oerth are new on the night of Goodmonth 11th (always a Godsday),
which earns this evening various tides such as the Dark Night, Black
Night or Star Night. While certain religious groups spend the night
observing the skies for portents (or taking advantage of its darkness
for acts of evil or thievery), many ordinary folk light all night
the first and last days of Brewfest (Starday and Freeday) are public
holidays in the City of Greyhawk, meaning that no one can be coerced to
work, and public revelry is encouraged by the government However, many
citizens take this faIl celebration of the last harvest completely to
heart, and public intoxication is common. The city takes on a circus
atmosphere, and the streets are filled with actors, jugglers, acrobats,
animal and monster trainers (with their best "pets"), and
grinning adventurers showing off their latest trophies. The festival is
celebrated throughout the central Flanaess.
timekeeping on Oerth is performed by sundials, which indicate not only
the time of day but also the month and day of the year. This is because
Oerth's axial tilt causes the sun's shadow to wander over the ground in
a curving pattern that repeats every year; a sundial can track this
effect, known as far back as the days of the Suel Imperium. Water clocks
and mechanical clocks, powered by coiled wind up springs or pendulums
and weights, are also used, but these are costly and difficult to make,
often tastelessly ornamented, and prone to inaccurate readings.
Perfectly accurate magical time pieces have been created by priests and
wizards, but these are so expensive that guilds for navigators and night
watchmen are the primary buyers. Minor spells allow sundials in public
areas to register the time even on cloudy days, and these are sufficient
for most public needs. The clerics of those deities concerned with time
such as Istus, Cyndor or Lendor, are valued and sought for their timing
of ceremonies, complex spells and military activities, and they are
gainfully employed by certain merchants, governments, wizard's guilds,
the military and others.