This special module is a combined wilderness and dungeon adventure scenario. It contains background information, referee's notes, encounter keys, outdoor and dungeon level maps, and new monsters and treasures. While it is designed to interface with THE LOST CAVERNS OF TSOJCANTH, this module is capable of standing alone. Likewise, while it is played within the Greyhawk Campaign, it can easily be adapted to play in any individual campaign which employs the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game system.
Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure
Four great and powerful heroes travel in search of adventure. Led by Mordenkainen, wizard without peer, they have come to mysterious Maure Castle, a forlorn and foreboding place, source of wonderment and awesome adventure, following a strange and terrible story.
For, somewhere deep beneath Maure Castle, from whence no person has returned alive, there stand two massive iron doors - doors without latch, lock, or handle - the Unopenable Doors.
And if the doors are opened, what then? Such potent evil, such terror lies beyond, that even the bravest adventurers may quail before the ultimate test!
Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure is a challenging adventure for high-level play. Four original characters from Gary Gygax' famous Greyhawk capmpaign are included for your use.
Can you meet the challenge? Can you survive what lies beyond...the Unopenable Doors?
An adventure for Character Levels 9-12
Isle of the Ape
You stand before a great throne of lapis lazuli. The massive chamber is also blue, even the air has an indigo quality, perhaps from the strangely convoluted coils of smoke rising from the braziers of azure metal. Encompassed by the great chair is a man whose presence inspires awe, Tenser the Archmage.
High above the City of Greyhawk, somewhere upon the lonely south coast of the Nyr Dyv, you and your associates trekked to answer a summons that could not be taken lightly. You are about to begin a quest to a mysterious island where lies the fabled Crook of Rao. Only the bravest can face the isle's obscure jungles, its most fearsome monsters, and its ultimate secret. Can you survive where even the mighty followers of Tenser have failed?
Isle of the Ape is a challenging adventure for high-level play. This adventure, designed for the WORLD OF GREYHAWK Campaign, is for use with Unearthed Arcana.
An adventure for Character Levels 18 and up
Castle Greyhawk
Deep beneath the keep of Castle Greyhawk, a really nasty device is creating all these gross, mutated, andd unpleasant monsters that are running wild throughout the castle and the 12-level dungeon beneath the castle. The call has gone out for heroic, fearless, and kinda foolish adventurers to out-hack, out-slash, and sometimes even out-think hordes of doughmen, headless mice, manic bee queens, really bad dead things, burgermen, crazed chefs, and movie moguls. If they survive these and much odder obstacles, the characters still have to findd the nasty monster creator and put it out of business.
Castle Greyhawk contains 13 detailed levels for adventuring and exploration. Each level is a seperate adventure written by a different author and each has its own unique brand of insane and baffling weirdness. Some levels involve solving puzzles and some require good old hacking and slashing. The adventures can be played seperately or all together as a grand quest to free Castle Greyhawk from the evil, rotten hordes that are plaguing it. The common theme to this dungeon is that no joke is so old, no pun is so bad, and no schtick is so obvious that it can't be used to confuse and trip up PCs!
13 Adventures for Character Levels 0 to 25
Fate of Istus
This collection of linked adventures takes characters from the Bandit Kingdoms to Furyondy to the Wild Coast, with stops in some of Greyhawks most exciting locales. But don't be fooled: This is more than just a travelogue.
A dread plague has struck the world of Greyhawk, and the adventurers must travel the length and breadth of the land seeking an explanation and a cure. This is no ordinary plague, but one that seems almost like a punishment - or a test - meted out by some greater power.
Should the characters fail to uncover the secret of this quest, the world of Greyhawk will be forever changed.
This epic campaign provides hitherto unknown details about the cities of Greyhawk and tests each major character class in the AD&D; game.
Ever seen a gargoyle without its wings? It's a pretty funny sight. But don't laugh out loud in fron of them - they don't think it's all that hilarious...
Gargoyle is an adventure set in the world of GREYHAWK, the longest-running of TSR's game worlds for the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game. A pair of gargoyles wake up one morning to find their wings missing, and contact the players to help them recover them. A great many AD&D; players have been asking for low-level adventures suitable for beginners, and Gargoyle is the first of several planned for this year. Designed for levels 1 to 4, this adventure can be enjoyed by novices and experienced players alike.
Child's Play
This action-packed adventure module is especially designed to give beginning dungeonmasters and players help in learning the AD&D; game system.
But don't be fooled by the title! The adventure is far from easy - in fact, it has challenges that can bring the careless character's adventuring career to an abrupt halt!
Filled with surprises and excitement, the adventure is still easy to referee - and during the game, players and the DM alike will pick up tips and information that will prove useful for many games to come!
First, you find yourselves in the Gnarley Wood, fending off minions of the evil leprechaun who dwells there. Coming through this episode with flying colors, you continue to the Free City of Dyvers, where there has been a rash of break-ins at several inns. Who is responsible for these crimes? Evidence leads you to believe that a full-sized person can't have commited the burglaries - the apparent entrance points are far too small, and the footprints aren't those of humans or even demi-humans.
It's up to you, adventurers, to solve this mystery and collect the reward (if you can).
This adventure is adapted from two RPGA network tournaments.
Vale of the Mage
There's only one way to get there - through the Barrier Peaks. Once you're there, you are confronted with armed guards, traps both magical and mechanical, and legendary beasts...not to mention the wandering necromancers.
Why go in there? Because rules of neighboring countries have asked you to persuade the Black One to help rout that group of expatriate necromancers. They tried a coup, failed, and came to the Vale of the Mage to hide - and, presumably, to regroup and ally with the Black One. They may have gained the help of the Tree People, as well; you won't know until (perhaps) it'll be too late to turn back. It's a jungle in there...